Wednesday, January 5, 2011

As Good As We Once Were

So, we had a great New Years Eve with some friends. They came over with their super cute kids to celebrate. We were kind of playing the night by ear given that we had 3 three-year-olds and a 6 month old. We ate a bunch of yummy appetizers and the drinks were flowing. The kids did awesome playing and getting along for the most part. Before we knew it, it was almost midnight so for the first time in their short little lives, I got to celebrate the new year with my sweet girls! The kids had a blast shaking their instruments and telling everybody, "Happy New Year"! Next thing I know, it's 3am! Say what? The kids were still wide awake! Our friends packed up and headed home and we passed out cold! Man, oh, man, I was hanging my head the next day! Before I knew it, Monkey Kyle showed up to babysit because we had dinner plans with the same friends to celebrate her birthday. We pulled ourselves together just in time, ready for another night out. I took this photo of Brett 5 minutes before our friends got there to pick us up. Napping while his 3 year old looked on! We were going to Benihana and bowling. So fun! Here's what actually went down: Went to Hooters, stuffed ourselves, all of us almost fell asleep at the table, we were back home by 8:30pm. So this is it? There were times, that Brett and I would go out on Friday, go out to breakfast first thing on Saturday, nap during the day and were back out hitting the town again Saturday night and would spend Sunday watching football. Wow, things change but I wouldn't have it any other way!