Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Girl and Her Prince

Yesterday, I started coming down with a cold and today I feel like I was run over by a train. Needless say, today was declared Pajama Day in our house. The girls have been playing with each other quite well and have watched Cinderella twice. While we were eating lunch, I asked Cupcake what she thought of the movie. Here's the conversation:

Cupcake: Cinderella lost her shoe and then it broke. Her had another one in her pocket and the prince was happy. Her feelings were not hurt anymore. I like that.

Me: Her Prince sounds nice. Did you know Mommy has a Prince?

Cupcake: Mommy, you not have a prince, you are Happy Girl (She used my real name) not Cinderella.

Me: I have a Prince, it's Daddy.

Cupcake: That is silly, him not a Prince, Daddy is Brett.

We continued eating our lunch. Cupcake must have been thinking about what I told her because then she asks me, " Did Daddy bring you a shoe?"