Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Naughty List

So this Holiday season, we incorporated The Elf on the Shelf into our household. For those that have never heard of it, here is how it works: There is a book called The Elf on the Shelf that comes with a little elf. The story tells children how their elf sits in their home and watches their behavior and listens to their wishes. Each night, he flies to see Santa and gives his reports, good and bad. He then returns to the house and finds a new place to sit and watch. Rules: You can talk to him but he can't talk back, kids can't touch him or his magic will go away and he can't go to Santa. Our elf, Andy, has been quite effective and the girls have fun trying to find his new hiding spot each morning. However, a few days ago, Cupcake yelled at him as she was on her way to timeout for the millionth time that day, "Andy, don't look at me". Yesterday, we went to visit Santa at the mall. Both girls were very excited. When our turn came, Sweetie Pie jumped right on his lap and Cupcake proceeded to pull apart all the snow (cotton) on the display (right in front of Santa) She refused to stop so Brett had to pull her away kicking and screaming. Enough that a mall security guard came over and asked if she was okay. MYOB Today, my mom sent me a link to a website, Portable North Pole. I was able to create a personalized video for each girl. The video was amazing! Santa actually says their names and references personal information. He opens his book and shows them their "page" in his book. I was able to upload their pictures so they could see their name and face in his book. They were amazed! Sweetie Pie got a great report from Santa and was told to keep up the great job. Cupcake was told she was on the naughty watch list and that she needs to try harder if she wants a surprise from Santa. She looked at me like I was a traitor for revealing to Santa that she was naughty. I blamed Andy. After watching the video, Cupcake goes to her toy box and pulls out the envelope that we made to give to Santa yesterday. She asked me to give it to Santa and tell him she is better. I told her I would and finished what I was doing. I didn't even look in it until just a few minutes ago. She stuffed it full of her Cinderella doll jewelry. Great, my child is trying to bribe Santa. She knows more about the real world than I have given her credit for. Final note, take a moment and imagine what I am in for when this girl turns 16. Now stop rolling on the floor laughing and go about your day.