Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where are you Christmas?

Wow, the holiday season really snuck up on me! We had such a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunt's house. She had a dvd of some old home movies and it was so fun watching them but also sad because it made me realize how much I miss my Papa Mainard and how I wish Brett could have known him. He was so funny and laid back and really was so much fun to be around. I don't ever remembering him being grumpy or impatient with me. On that note, Grandma was a real peach for Thanksgiving. She really is such a sugar cube! ;) My Papa would have just thought it was so neat that we had twins and he would have loved seeing all our kids running around and playing. I get sad thinking about how they will not get to hear his Donald Duck voice or sit on his lap and try to straighten his broken finger.

So Thanksgiving night, I braved the crowds with two of my friends, M and A, and waited in line at Toys R Us for the doorbusters. We got everything we wanted and were out of the store by 10:30pm. We even got up enough nerve to brave Walmart and had a successful trip there. I was out all day on Friday shop, shop, shopping and finished most of my Christmas and Birthday shopping! Yay, me! With that said, I am patiently awaiting my Christmas Spirit to set in. I thought the red cups at Starbuck's would do it but not so far. Last night, we started putting up Christmas decorations. The girls were so excited to see the Christmas tree. We started a new holiday season tradition by reading "The Elf on the Shelf". After much debate, we named him Andy. (Cupcake wanted to call him Santa, Sweetie Pie wanted to call him Elf, Brett wanted to call him Hakeem and I wanted Fritz) We decided on Andy because Toy Story is one of their favorite movies. Today, when the girls woke up, Andy had "found" his way to the top of the microwave and is quietly writing his report for Santa. It's not looking good for the ladies so far!

Last year after Christmas, Brett was such a helper and took all my garland and ornaments off the railings and put them away for me. While going through the bins of Christmas stuff this year, I found a Target bag filled with the ornaments from the railings with a wadded up paper towel on top of it. Nice wrapping job, my love! Nothing was broke but Seriously?!?!