Monday, November 8, 2010

Garbage Day

Mondays are garbage day in our neighborhood. After Christmas last year I got a greater appreciation for the job that our garbage men do every week. It's freezing cold in the winter and boiling hot in the summer and they have to haul other people's trash. in our case, they get the added bonus of double the poopy diapers. So after seeing the huge amount of trash we had last Christmas and seeing our neighbors' garbage, I started to feel bad for the guys. They were nice guys, if I was out there with the girls, they would make the basket go up and down for them. I noticed that one day, they would take their afternoon break along our fence so I started bringing them hot chocolate in the winter and lemonade or ice water in the summer if I was home when they came by. All of a sudden, one day I notice they are taking their break across the street by my our neighbor's house. What?!?! What did I do? Not that we were best friends forever but I thought we had made a connection. I know darn well my neighbor isn't bringing them goodies, he can't even bring his sprinkler in, pretty sure he isn't sharing his delicious hot chocolate (with marshmallows) with them! I told Brett my dilemma and he thinks it's hysterical. He says I am my "Mother's Daughter" getting upset about something silly like that. I am not going to lose sleep over it but it does bug me seeing them chew the fat across the street. We'll see if they change their tune come January when it is 12 degrees outside without the windchill. They will be begging me for hot chocolate and I will just have to say, sorry fellas, I gave it all to the street cleaner.