Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sick Little Cupcake

My poor little Cupcake is sick. Last night she started running a fever and it has continued all day today. We had to skip a birthday playdate for two of their twin buddies. We stayed home and had a pajama/craft day instead. We watched Tinker Bell twice, learned about the letter "A", and did noodle art. Sweetie Pie has gotten pretty good at drawing the "A". Cupcake has asked me to "hold her like a baby" all day, which I totally don't mind because I don't think she will be asking me to do that for much longer. So tonight, I am holding Cupcake on the couch and Sweetie Pie asks, what's wrong with Sissy? I told her she is sick, she has a fever and is sleepy. Sweetie Pie feels her head and says, "No, Mommy, she not hot, she feels better". I told her, "Goofy, I think I would know, I am the Mom and we know these things". Her response combined with an eye roll, "You not Mom, you Mommy and I not Goofy, I Cupcake". Well, there you go. I also think it is interesting how far I have come as a Mommy. I managed the whole day with a very clingy Cupcake and a very active Sweetie Pie and didn't have to call Brett and beg him to come home early. Yay me! I did not, however, get to leave the house to vote. Good Mom = Bad Citizen You can't win them all!