Friday, October 29, 2010

Cupcake's Quotes

We were eating lunch today and Cupcake said, "Mommy, I want to go to Halloween". Brett told her, "Cupcake, Halloween isn't a place because if that was the case, I want to go to Thanksgiving". Used it as my Facebook post and my friend M said she wished it was Pulaski Day. She is weird. Love our meal conversations these days. Tonight, we went to Trick or Treating at the mall by our house. It was such a mad house, by the time we got half way through, most of the stores had run out of candy. We took the ladies to the food court so they could sit and eat a sucker (according to Brett they are called Lollipops - I thought Lollipops were in the Wizard of Oz but I guess that is how they roll on the East Coast). Cupcake tells me, "Mommy, pink suckers are my favorite". Good to know! :) We leave the mall and are driving my newly repaired van home and Cupcake says, "I am so happy Mommy's car is fixed, Mommy's car is my favorite". Guessing the constant stream of Go Diego Go versus Brett's constant stream of sports radio is the reason behind that comment. The picture I included was a prime example of what a great Dad my love is. He is holding a naked baby and her clothes and a bucket of candy. Love him and love my life!