Friday, October 15, 2010

Just Thankful

So the potty training went much better today. Both girls have been telling us BEFORE they go potty and have made it to the potty. We only had one accident today and that was after we had already put diapers on for bedtime. Little Miss Cupcake filled up her chart today and Sweetie Pie only has two spots left.

On another note, I had such a scary experience today. Brett and I were eating lunch while the girls were on the potty. I was eating a salad with chopped up apple and got a piece of apple caught in my throat. It was completely stuck and I immediately freaked. Brett saw right away and asked if I was okay? I shook my head no and really freaked. All I kept thinking was, not in front of my kids, please not in front of my kids. I was choking and trying to cough it up with no success. I finally dropped to the floor and was seriously freaked. Brett tried the heimlich but was way off on his technique so I kept moving his hands to the correct spot but it wasn't working. I was finally able to loosen it up and drink some water to get it down. I have to say that was SOOOO scary. Even scarier was our reaction to the situation. We agreed that we need to take a First Aid/CPR class. Then later, I am talking to my Mom and she tells me about a very close call her and my father had in their car today while coming home from the Covered Bridge festival. She was very freaked out and feeling very thankful that everything turned out okay. I am so thankful that we are all snug in our homes, safe and sound. What a whirlwind of a day. I love my life and the people in it. Mom, I love you from the sky to the ground and around and around.