Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Miss Suzi Crackers

Little Sweetie Pie was such a cutie pie today. She is just the sweetest little thing, I can hardly stand it. When Brett came home from work today, she was so excited to see him! She ran to the back door and gave him a big "squeezie" hug and said, "Daddy, you are so happy to see me!". How stinking cute is that? Later that night, she picked Miss Suzi Crackers for her dessert. Miss Suzi Crackers are Vanilla Wafers, they call them that because every time they go to our neighbor's house, Miss Suzi gives them two Vanilla Wafers and a cup of water. I gave her six wafers (found out later) and walked away. When I walked by a few minutes later, she was watching the TV so I swiped one of her wafers. (Yes, I am THAT mom) A few minutes later, Sweetie Pie runs into the room and tells me, "Mommy, come here and help me, please". I go in the kitchen and she tells me she "needs help because one of her Miss Suzi crackers blew away, oh no, one of my Miss Suzi crackers blew away, Mommy". Doh! I failed to notice that she had counted and arranged her wafers and had no intention of eating them but rather had more fun playing with them. So sweet!