Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas Wish Lists

So Brett and I are thinking of getting the girls either a ride on car or big girl bikes for Christmas this year. We went to Toys R Us tonight to let them sit on the bikes to see what size they would need and to see if they could handle pedaling them. Sweetie Pie was worried more about which hat (helmet) she was going to wear and Cupcake only wanted the bike that had the seat on the back for her baby doll. We walked over to the cars and Cupcake went straight for the four wheeler. I told her, "Cupcake, if we get you one of these cars, we have to get one with two seats so you and your sister can ride in it". After that, before she would get in any of the cars, she would count (out loud) how many seats and then say, "Yes, this has two seats, one for me and one for sissy". Awww! On another note, these cars are unbelievable! They have working radios, stitched leather seats and mp3 hookups. Are you kidding me? This year is going to be so much fun with them. They get so excited and for the past two weeks, Sweetie Pie has been walking around with the Toys R Us and Target Toy Books like they are her personal play books. She looks through them over and over and says, "Mommy, I need that or I want that". Obviously, we can't get them everything they want but now I get the struggle parents have because, of course, I WANT to get them everything their little hearts desire. I believe that spoiled is less about the actual size or cost or number of possessions, but more about my children's attitude toward gifts and material things. Are they thankful and appreciate the things or are they demanding and throw fits if they don't get what they want? The struggle is finding a balance and also making sure we teach them to appreciate the "things" they do have and to understand the most important "things" aren't material things.