Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sweetie Pie's Five Finger Discount

So as some of you know, I love all things cupcake! I am in the process of starting my own little cupcake business (insert promotional plug for Swirl Cupcakes here). I spend a lot of time in Michael's, buying supplies. On this particular trip, I had my little hoarder, Sweetie Pie, with me. While in the cake decorating aisle, she asked me if she could have a bottle of food coloring because she "needs" it. I calmly told her no and continued to browse. Looking back, I should have questioned why she took my negative response so well but as they say, hind sight is 20/20. When I finished up, I told her to come with me and noticed she was carrying two bottles of sprinkles with her. I told her to put them back to which she replied, "Okay". Say what? Now I knew something was up. I took a closer look at her and noticed her hat was unusually bumpy. I touched her hat and somehow, my sweet daughter's head was now in the shape of four bottles of Wilton food coloring. Yes, you read that correctly, my little hoarder was attempting to take the four bottles with her, under her hat. I put the food coloring back and told her that she can't take things unless she has money to pay for them. Her reply, "Mommy will buy them for me". Even if I needed those particular shades of food coloring, there is no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks, I was going to purchase them at that time. At home, Sweetie Pie is notorious for carrying things around the house in her hats, mostly it is stuff that belongs to her but on occasion, I have found Brighton jewelry and refrigerator magnets in there. I am hoping this is a stage that she grows out of quickly as I have no idea what I will do in the future if I get a phone call from Mall Security telling me to come get her because she has decided that she "needs" everything in Claire's Boutique.