Monday, February 21, 2011

24 Hour Bug

My little Sweetie Pie caught a stomach bug and was down for the count for about 24 hours. I am pretty sure she caught it at the mall play area but I guess she could have got it anywhere. Poor thing, came into our room at 5am and told us, her belly hurt and then proceeded to throw up. This is the second time in her short little life that she has thrown up. The first time was when we all caught something when the girls were 10 months old. Nobody wants to get the stomach bug, the fever, chills, vomiting, headaches. I would have traded places with her in a hearbeat. I know she was experiencing it all but never complained one time. She didn't cry at all. After we showed her how to use the bucket, she never missed again and even carried it around with her. If you are a parent, I know you know what I am talking about. It absolutely kills me to see my child in pain and know there is nothing I can do about it. I can't imagine what it will be like when another child is mean to her, or she doesn't get a job she wanted, or (gulp) has her heart broken. Thankfully, she was back to her sweet self about 24 hours later. That is the other thing I find amazing, how resilient kids are. Once she was better, that was it, she was back in business as if nothing happened.