Friday, February 25, 2011

Potty Protocol

Here is a small list I have compiled of things that people never tell you about before you have kids and people that don't have kids wouldn't believe/understand:

1) At some point, there will be a potty seat sitting in the same room that you eat your meals

2) You will give your child anything to encourage them to stay seated on said potty, including your cell phone (Martha learned this lesson the hard way, which is why her phone is now sitting in a bowl of rice, ewww)

3) You will on more than one occasion get human feces under your fingernails (flipping gross)

4) Something as insignificant as an M&M to you is actually like winning an academy award to a 3-year-old

5)Pullups are fancy more expensive diapers that don't hold half the amount that diapers do. Furthermore, the stupid pee pee pictures are placed in a spot that no child with reasonable flexibility can see.

6) You and your husband will celebrate a potty victory in much the same way you previously celebrated your graduations and/or favorite team's world series victory (I would know nothing about the latter).