Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sweetie Pie Rides Solo

After a birthday party for some of their friends, the girls and I decided to visit Brett at his office since we were in the neighborhood. The elevators for his office are glass so as you can imagine, the girls love looking out the window while we go up. When we got to his floor, Cupcake jumped right out and started running. I chased after her only to realize that Sweetie Pie had run back in the elevator before it closed. I turned around just in time to see her frightened face as the doors closed. I freaked and called out her name. Just at that moment, another advisor in Brett's office came around the corner and saw me. He told me to jump in the next elevator and he would keep Cupcake with him. By the time I got back down to the ground level, there was a lady waiting there that told me another woman was taking her to each floor looking for me. When I got to Brett's floor again, Sweetie Pie was standing with Brian in shock. He said she was screaming in the elevator but by time I got there, she was stunned and looked as pale as a ghost. After we had settled into Brett's office, I burst into tears. I can't believe this happened. Cupcake gave me a hug and said, "Don't cry, Mommy, it's okay, Sweetie Pie is right here, she is right here". She is such a little Mommy. What a terrifying experience for Sweetie Pie. Later at dinner, she was telling us about it again and told us that the lady that helped her was helpful and her name was Ellen. She seems to have recovered nicely, I am still on shaky ground though. :(