Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm Gonna Miss This

Wow! Has it really been months since I added a post? Yikes, time flies when you are having fun! Lately, I find myself reflecting on my day when I am in bed trying to fall asleep. It seems more and more often I make a promise to myself that I am going to be a more patient Mother tomorrow. There is this song, You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins that I swear is my daily mantra. The girls have been trying my patience for so many reasons: potty training, bickering, sassiness, stubborness, naughtiness. I need to try not to focus on these behaviors and remember why I love being a Mommy. I love that Cupcake calls PB&J sandwiches, Jelly Butter sandwiches. I love that Sweetie Pie says "Otay" instead of "Okay". I love that Sweetie Pie is currently obsessed with getting a Anaconda as a pet and that a M&M can always turn Cupcake's frown upside down. I love that the girls think every airplane is from New York and that I am Super Mom in their eyes when I announce an unplanned trip to the park. I love that if someone asks Cupcake where she got something new, she tells them, Costco. I love that I get a little glimpse at what Brett experiences every day when he gets home when I pick the girls up from PDO and they greet me like they haven't seen me in a week!