Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crazy, Beautiful Life

Tonight, I decided to call my dear friend, Katy, that I hadn't really had a chance to talk to in several weeks. I love talking to her because she truly knows me and we always laugh hysterically everytime we talk. The girls were playing nicely in their playroom so I snuck upstairs to talk while Brett put away the dinner dishes. Well, time flies when you are having fun...I decided to check on the girls. I came downstairs and the love of my life was playing Farkle by himself at the table with no children in sight. I went downstairs to find Sweetie Pie dressed up in her Zoo Keeper Costume from top to bottom and dancing around the playroom in her Sleeping Beauty High Heels. Cupcake was wearing her pajama top and no bottoms (and I do mean NO bottoms) and Snow White High Heels while she "swept" the playroom with the very tiny plastic broom from her dollhouse. Ahhhh! Have I mentioned lately how much I love my crazy, beautiful life?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Girl and Her Prince

Yesterday, I started coming down with a cold and today I feel like I was run over by a train. Needless say, today was declared Pajama Day in our house. The girls have been playing with each other quite well and have watched Cinderella twice. While we were eating lunch, I asked Cupcake what she thought of the movie. Here's the conversation:

Cupcake: Cinderella lost her shoe and then it broke. Her had another one in her pocket and the prince was happy. Her feelings were not hurt anymore. I like that.

Me: Her Prince sounds nice. Did you know Mommy has a Prince?

Cupcake: Mommy, you not have a prince, you are Happy Girl (She used my real name) not Cinderella.

Me: I have a Prince, it's Daddy.

Cupcake: That is silly, him not a Prince, Daddy is Brett.

We continued eating our lunch. Cupcake must have been thinking about what I told her because then she asks me, " Did Daddy bring you a shoe?"

Friday, January 14, 2011

Red Store and Sink Water

For some reason, my little Cupcake never wants to come home after running our errands. Without fail, as soon as we turn into our subdivision, from the backseat I hear, "I don't want to go home, Mommy". Sweetie Pie would never leave the house if it was up to her. This has been going on for months. Last night, Brett and I brought the girls to Toys R Us to get their friend's birthday gift and then we went to Target for my beloved coffee creamer. The girls call Target the "Red Store". They also associate the Red Store with Red and Blue Icees thanks to a trip to Target with my parents a few months ago. My Dad bought an icee for himself and let the girls try it. It was love at first taste and now I have an icee battle everytime we go to Target. So we finish up at Target and head home and as soon as we pull in the subdivision, my little blue lipped angel tells me, "I don't want to go home, Mommy". "Where do you want to go, Cupcake?" She thought about it for a second, realized that we had just left her favorite red store and said, "I want to go to the blue store". Ha, Ha! Did she mean K-Mart?

Later that night, Sweetie Pie had wiped chapstick all over her face and broke out in a rash, we gave her some Benadryl which wore off around midnight when Brett and I were going to bed. She woke up and said she wanted to lay in our bed. I was laying down with her and she asked for some water. We keep little plastic cups under our sink that the girls use when brushing their teeth so I brought her some water in that. She tells me, "I not want that, it is sink water". I asked her what was wrong with sink water? She tells me, "Myles said sink water is yucky, I not want yucky water". So now I know, peer pressure begins at age three.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Sea Witch

This past Christmas, we brought the girls to the Disney Store and let them each pick out a gift for each other. Cupcake picked out a set of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figurines for Sweetie Pie. Sweetie Pie picked out a set of Little Mermaid figurines for Cupcake. They had just gotten The Little Mermaid DVD for their birthday and loved it. It was so cute to see them exchange the gifts. They were so proud to present it to each other and made sure they named each character for each other. This past weekend, my parents were visiting and Cupcake was pulling out all the figurines for my Dad. When she gets to the Sea Witch, she tells my Dad, "She's the Sea Bitch". My Dad and I did a double take and asked her, "Who is that?". She was so proud that she knew, "She's the Sea Bitch". I sounded out the "w" sound for a couple times and had her try to say it again. Cupcake says, "I know, Mommy, wa wa, sea bitch". Oh well, hopefully, she will eventually get it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

As Good As We Once Were

So, we had a great New Years Eve with some friends. They came over with their super cute kids to celebrate. We were kind of playing the night by ear given that we had 3 three-year-olds and a 6 month old. We ate a bunch of yummy appetizers and the drinks were flowing. The kids did awesome playing and getting along for the most part. Before we knew it, it was almost midnight so for the first time in their short little lives, I got to celebrate the new year with my sweet girls! The kids had a blast shaking their instruments and telling everybody, "Happy New Year"! Next thing I know, it's 3am! Say what? The kids were still wide awake! Our friends packed up and headed home and we passed out cold! Man, oh, man, I was hanging my head the next day! Before I knew it, Monkey Kyle showed up to babysit because we had dinner plans with the same friends to celebrate her birthday. We pulled ourselves together just in time, ready for another night out. I took this photo of Brett 5 minutes before our friends got there to pick us up. Napping while his 3 year old looked on! We were going to Benihana and bowling. So fun! Here's what actually went down: Went to Hooters, stuffed ourselves, all of us almost fell asleep at the table, we were back home by 8:30pm. So this is it? There were times, that Brett and I would go out on Friday, go out to breakfast first thing on Saturday, nap during the day and were back out hitting the town again Saturday night and would spend Sunday watching football. Wow, things change but I wouldn't have it any other way!