Thursday, November 29, 2012


Wowza! I promised myself that the blog was going to be my pregnancy journal. That went well...NOT! The Adventures of Cupcake and Sweetie Pie needs to be updated to the Adventures of Cupcake, Sweetie Pie, Mallomar, and Moon Pie. Loving life as a very busy Mommy of four gorgeous girls. Since my last post, we have said goodbye to our furry baby, Morgan, welcomed our sweet baby girls into our lives, sold our house, bought a new house, moved in and are taking a breath as we jump into the holiday season and celebrate Cupcake and Sweetie Pie turning 5! FIVE?!?! When did that happen? I find that I am constantly being reminded, in particular, by older people to cherish this time and it goes by fast. I can honestly say that I am aware of this phenomenon every single day. There is not a day that goes by that I do not take a moment to breathe it all in and relish it. I fought so hard to have these gorgeous miracles, I refuse to take it for granted. Now, obviously, I am a busy Mom and let some moments slip past me but I challenge you to find a Mom that doesn't. Every night, I tell myself, tomorrow, I am going to be a better Mommy and some days I am. Today, I had my doubts.

For one, Mallomar has the most horrid diaper rash and I know these things happen but I still can't help but feel guilty. If I had just checked on her one more time, I would have smelled the stinky diaper and changed her before the rash could set in. :( But, alas, I was pooped (pun intended) and just crawled into bed the first chance I got.

My second parental offense involves Cupcake. This child lies just to lie. You can catch her red handed and she will still lie to your face. We used to be able to eventually get the truth out of her but now, she won't admit the truth even when you know with 100% certainty that she lying. I blame myself for this because I am in fact, by no uncertain terms, a yeller. I yell several times a day, every day. I did not yell at my kids for the first three years of their lives and I have certainly made up for lost time since then. I believe Cupcake lies because she is afraid of me. This goes back to the old adage of wanting your children to respect you and not fear you. I absolutely believe my children fear my siren shrill which does little to help them respect me. I see how sad they are when I yell and I feel like a heel because I wonder how different the outcome would have been if I would have maintained my cool and calmly explained to them for the umpteenth time why need to sit on their chair properly and why they have to get dressed.

And my final offense involves Sweetie Pie. Sweetie Pie is has her anything but sweet moments. Tonight, Cupcake went with me to run errands. While at Ikea, she asked if I would buy her a finger puppet. There were several different kinds. She asked if she could also get one for Sweetie Pie. Awww, so sweet. She was thinking of her twin even when she wasn't with her. She picked out a snake for her self and a butterfly for Sweetie with the explanation that it was red and red is Sweetie Pie's most favorite color. She also got her a free tape measure because she know how Sweetie Pie loves tape measures. When we get home, Cupcake bursts through the door and immediately calls out to Sweetie Pie. "Sweetie Pie, I bought you a surprise!" She knows it to Sweetie Pie who responds, "I don't want that, I want the snake." Huh? Where is the thank you? The Sisterly hug I envisioned? Denied! Cupcake bursts into tears, Brett immediately reprimands Sweetie Pie who then flips out on him and storms out of the room. Sweetie Pie is notorious for expressing exactly what she is thinking at any given moment regardless of feelings or appropriateness. I do think it was a very spontaneous reaction from her that she probably regretted immediately but would never admit. How do I teach her to be more appreciative of any act of kindness and to be more empathetic of others' feelings? Once again, I blame myself because I see them as a miniature representation of me.

Tomorrow, I will be a better Mom...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Heads and Microphones

Definitely one of my most awkward moments, I am going to look past that because I am sure I will want to remember this moment many, many years from now. Cupcake has definitely shown more interest in my pregnancy than Sweetie Pie. So to my surprise and delight, the other night she asked to feel the babies. I put her hand on my belly where I last felt movement. She was excited to feel the "thump" and then proceeded to rub my breasts. I pulled back, startled, and said,"Sweetie Pie, why are you touching my breasts? It is not polite to touch other people there." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Mommy, I wasn't touching your boobies, I was rubbing the babies' heads." LMBO! I couldn't stop laughing! I had no idea she thought that. I then had to set her straight between my own giggles and Brett's in the background.

This moment reminded me of a couple weeks when Brett pointed out to the girls that my belly button was shrinking (another lovely side effect of pregnancy). Cupcake immediately lifted my shirt to investigate with her concerned face on. "But, Mommy, how are you going to talk to the babies?" Again, where in the world did they get the impression that my belly button was a microphone? These amazing children fill my heart with joy and laughter every day and I am so excited to meet our new sweet girls.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Angry Bird

I think it's safe to say that Sweetie Pie needs an Angry Birds Intervention. Brett let her play on his phone one time and she was hooked. She wakes up and makes her bed, brushes her teeth and puts her breakfast dishes in the sink without prompting in order to earn reward tickets that she immediately turns in for game time. She asks to fold laundry and wipe down sinks to earn additional tickets. It is both heart warming and terrifying. She now plays on the iphone or the Nook and actively yells at the pigs when she knocks them down. Here's the most pathetic part, I decided to try it out and couldn't pass the first board and this kid is earning high scores on every board. A couple weeks ago, we were at Macy's when Sweetie Pie spotted an Angry Birds t-shirt. "Oh, Mommy, can I please have this shirt? I really, really want it." How could I resist that sweet face and even sweeter request? A few minutes later, I was trying on maternity clothes and she asks in the fitting room if she could try on her new shirt and of course she wants to keep it on. Seriously, she is in love with this shirt! So I let her wear the shirt and then we head to the eye doctor to pick up Brett. He is waiting in the lobby, she runs up to him, unzips her coat and rips it off like she is Superman in a phone booth. Ta Da! She is so proud! This kid cracks me up.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Present of the Lion States

So I feel I have a perfectly acceptable reason for not posting since October but I still feel guilty. We are expecting twins, AGAIN! As an added bonus, it's two girls! Sweetie Pie was a little disappointed because she wanted a "brudder" but I am hoping she will warm up to the idea soon. Cupcake has suggested Clarice (Rudolph's girlfriend, not Silence of the Lambs) and Izzie (Jake and the Neverland Pirates). Sweetie Pie thinks Rudolph and Jake are great names. I will have to continue to work on that one.

I picked the girls up from school today and they learned about Presidents Day, in particular, Abraham Lincoln. Sweetie Pie informed me that he was the "Present" of the "Lion" States. Cupcake told me he had a beard and a hat and he keeps his notes in his hat. Also, he is funny and knows the ABC's. Sounds like a fun guy!

We met Brett for lunch and then went to Miroballi Shoes to exchange my watch. As we were leaving the sales associate came over and congratulated the girls on becoming big sisters and thanked them for being so well behaved in the store. It just warms my heart to hear that because they really are so well behaved and such good listeners.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Furry Daughter

So recently our sweet little Morgan (aka Fluffy McDuffy, Annie McFannykins) has been been having some medical issues. She turned 12 this year so it isn't a completely shock but very sad. We have had her since she was 6 weeks old and it is hard to imagine our family without her. We truly know what people mean when they say a dog is a man's best friend. It's like they have a sixth sense that she knows exactly how we are feeling and how she should respond. When we were riding the roller coaster of emotions that came with infertility, she never left my side. When we finally did get pregnant, I have a video of her resting her paws on my gigantic belly. Something we have struggled with for the past couple years was helping her to trust and be comfortable with the girls. She exhibited a couple warning signs (mostly growling) that forced us to keep her separated from the girls, thus, limiting her time with us. I really don't blame her, I mean her time with us was definitely compromised when the girls arrived and she was used to having the rule of the house. Now that the girls are older and have a better understanding of what they can and can't do with Morgan, things have gotten much easier. In fact, they even help take care of her by letting her outside, filling her food bowl and giving her treats. She has come to respect them and definitely appreciates the random food being dropped everywhere. It warms my heart to see the girls interact with her. They both always say goodbye to her when we leave and say hello as soon as we return. On more than one occasion, we have found the girls awake and leaning over the gate just petting Morgan. She is the official house "Monster Buster"! They love to play "doggies" and follow her around doing everything she is doing. I snapped a photo of Cupcake basking in the morning sunlight with Morgs in front of the sliding glass door. I snapped another photo of her reading Annie her favorite book.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Musings of Cupcake and Sweetie Pie

Summer is in full swing and our family is taking full advantage! This would also explain why I have been the MIA Blogger. I actually (gasp) am starting to catch the ever so visible tan! :) The girls have kept us on our toes lately with all the funny/amusing/frustrating things they say soI thought I would add a few while they were still on my mind!

Situation: Brett comes in from the backyard holding the tiniest little green pepper I have ever seen. It was certainly too small for picking so I could only assume he came in looking for an explanation. He asked the girls and Cupcake didn't hesitate to throw Sweetie Pie under the bus. Sweetie Pie admitted she was the culprit but further explained that she did it because, "Daddy, it wasn't tight". Translation: It wasn't attached to the branch tightly enough, it practically jumped off on it's own. Love her!

Situation: Driving home from Walgreen's and Cupcake says she doesn't want to go home to eat, she wants to go to a restaurant. Brett chuckles and asks her what restaurant she had in mind. She replies, "the one with pizza and cookies". I tell her, "I have pizza and cookies at home". She says, "okay, sounds delicious". Cut to dinner. I tell Cupcake that she can't have cookies unless she finishes her pizza. I am busy in the house and I see her come around the corner with an empty plate. "Cupcake, where is your pizza?" "I gave it to Morgan, she wanted it." "How do you know that?" "Mommy (starting to get annoyed with me), she told me!" She puts her plate down and starts to head upstairs. "Cupcake, where are you going?" "I'm going to take a nap." "Cupcake, let me check your pants before you go". "I'm sorry, Mommy, but it's just a little pee pee". This is totally her MO, she sneaks upstairs when she has an accident, hoping to change her clothes before I notice. The problem is she almost always comes back down with the most weather inappropriate outfit in her room, which is always a dead giveaway. "Cupcake, go upstairs and change your underwear and put on new shorts". "Mommy! I am so frustrated with you, I am going to tell Daddy that you are naughty."

How could two little humans have the power to make me go through the full range of emotions every single day? Nobody has ever had this much power over me and to be honest, I wouldn't change any of it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jeepers Creepers and the Portable Potty

When I picked the girls up from school on Wednesday, I was excited to learn that both girls had used the potty all day. I told them we could stop at the store and buy the kites they had been lusting after for some time. While we were in Walgreens buying the kites, Sweetie Pie decided that would be a perfect time to poop her pants. I $h!t you not! Seriously?!?! Since she had technically already earned the kite, I still bought it. While we were walking to the cashier, Cupcake announced she also needed to use the bathroom. This particular Walgreens didn't have a public restroom so I told Cupcake she would have to use the potty we keep in the car. Yes, I know, G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. I keep a potty in my car, what of it? Have you ever been to a park when your child has to go potty and there isn't a bathroom in sight? Well, I have and I am going to avoid at all costs, making my kids pop a squat out in the great, wide open. So we get to the car and I open the back of the van and start changing Sweetie Pie's pants. All of sudden, I feel someone near me and I look and there is an old man carrying a box of graham crackers and Chicago Tribune standing right in my personal space. Awkward! He begins to tell me that he just visited his daughter at the hospital and he has three balloons (2 reds and a blue) in his car for his grandson's graduation and wants to know if we want to see them? Ummmmm, Hell to the No, I don't want to see your balloons. Actually, what I said was, "No, Thank you". (Darn you, Mom, and your etiquette lessons!) Apparently, he took my response as an open invitation to continue the conversation. He then proceeded to tell me that I should be careful where I park and make sure I don't park near any jalopies (I am assuming he was referring to an old car and not to himself). He then proceeded to put his hand in my car, where my keys/purse where sitting and rub my purse. Yes! Rub my purse! I grabbed it and threw it towards the front of the car. He didn't say a word. Poor Michael (Kors) was fondled by a crazy! I made an appointment with a therapist and I am hoping he can just forget about this whole dreadful incident. I finished up with Sweetie Pie in record time and whispered in her ear to hurry up to the front and buckle herself in. Proving once again why I call her my sweetie pie, she immediately obeyed. Then here comes Cupcake to the back of the van carrying the potty seat telling me, "Mommy, I reaaaalllllyy have to go!" I told her to hold it until we get home. She refuses and then proceeds to pull down her pants in front of Mr. Wackadoodle. I told him, "Well, thanks for the advice, have a nice day!" He took the hint and headed towards the store. Of course Cupcake asks me who he was. I told her, "I have no idea but he is creeping me out so please hurry so we can leave before he comes back". She then told me,"Mommy, you are right, I do not like that man, he is naughty". She finishes up and I tell her to jump in her seat and buckle up. As I am closing the hatch, who do you think comes out of the store? I bolt for the driver's side. Cupcake's sliding door was open facing the store and she screams, "Hurry, Mommy, he's coming! He's coming, hurry!" LMAO, I think I have taught the stranger danger lesson! I jump in the car and zoom out of that parking lot. As I drove by him, he realized he missed me and went to entertain the mailman that had just pulled up with his crazy talk. I am sure he was just a lonely old man but seriously, that was weird.