Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Heads and Microphones

Definitely one of my most awkward moments, I am going to look past that because I am sure I will want to remember this moment many, many years from now. Cupcake has definitely shown more interest in my pregnancy than Sweetie Pie. So to my surprise and delight, the other night she asked to feel the babies. I put her hand on my belly where I last felt movement. She was excited to feel the "thump" and then proceeded to rub my breasts. I pulled back, startled, and said,"Sweetie Pie, why are you touching my breasts? It is not polite to touch other people there." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Mommy, I wasn't touching your boobies, I was rubbing the babies' heads." LMBO! I couldn't stop laughing! I had no idea she thought that. I then had to set her straight between my own giggles and Brett's in the background.

This moment reminded me of a couple weeks when Brett pointed out to the girls that my belly button was shrinking (another lovely side effect of pregnancy). Cupcake immediately lifted my shirt to investigate with her concerned face on. "But, Mommy, how are you going to talk to the babies?" Again, where in the world did they get the impression that my belly button was a microphone? These amazing children fill my heart with joy and laughter every day and I am so excited to meet our new sweet girls.