Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Furry Daughter

So recently our sweet little Morgan (aka Fluffy McDuffy, Annie McFannykins) has been been having some medical issues. She turned 12 this year so it isn't a completely shock but very sad. We have had her since she was 6 weeks old and it is hard to imagine our family without her. We truly know what people mean when they say a dog is a man's best friend. It's like they have a sixth sense that she knows exactly how we are feeling and how she should respond. When we were riding the roller coaster of emotions that came with infertility, she never left my side. When we finally did get pregnant, I have a video of her resting her paws on my gigantic belly. Something we have struggled with for the past couple years was helping her to trust and be comfortable with the girls. She exhibited a couple warning signs (mostly growling) that forced us to keep her separated from the girls, thus, limiting her time with us. I really don't blame her, I mean her time with us was definitely compromised when the girls arrived and she was used to having the rule of the house. Now that the girls are older and have a better understanding of what they can and can't do with Morgan, things have gotten much easier. In fact, they even help take care of her by letting her outside, filling her food bowl and giving her treats. She has come to respect them and definitely appreciates the random food being dropped everywhere. It warms my heart to see the girls interact with her. They both always say goodbye to her when we leave and say hello as soon as we return. On more than one occasion, we have found the girls awake and leaning over the gate just petting Morgan. She is the official house "Monster Buster"! They love to play "doggies" and follow her around doing everything she is doing. I snapped a photo of Cupcake basking in the morning sunlight with Morgs in front of the sliding glass door. I snapped another photo of her reading Annie her favorite book.