Monday, July 11, 2011

Musings of Cupcake and Sweetie Pie

Summer is in full swing and our family is taking full advantage! This would also explain why I have been the MIA Blogger. I actually (gasp) am starting to catch the ever so visible tan! :) The girls have kept us on our toes lately with all the funny/amusing/frustrating things they say soI thought I would add a few while they were still on my mind!

Situation: Brett comes in from the backyard holding the tiniest little green pepper I have ever seen. It was certainly too small for picking so I could only assume he came in looking for an explanation. He asked the girls and Cupcake didn't hesitate to throw Sweetie Pie under the bus. Sweetie Pie admitted she was the culprit but further explained that she did it because, "Daddy, it wasn't tight". Translation: It wasn't attached to the branch tightly enough, it practically jumped off on it's own. Love her!

Situation: Driving home from Walgreen's and Cupcake says she doesn't want to go home to eat, she wants to go to a restaurant. Brett chuckles and asks her what restaurant she had in mind. She replies, "the one with pizza and cookies". I tell her, "I have pizza and cookies at home". She says, "okay, sounds delicious". Cut to dinner. I tell Cupcake that she can't have cookies unless she finishes her pizza. I am busy in the house and I see her come around the corner with an empty plate. "Cupcake, where is your pizza?" "I gave it to Morgan, she wanted it." "How do you know that?" "Mommy (starting to get annoyed with me), she told me!" She puts her plate down and starts to head upstairs. "Cupcake, where are you going?" "I'm going to take a nap." "Cupcake, let me check your pants before you go". "I'm sorry, Mommy, but it's just a little pee pee". This is totally her MO, she sneaks upstairs when she has an accident, hoping to change her clothes before I notice. The problem is she almost always comes back down with the most weather inappropriate outfit in her room, which is always a dead giveaway. "Cupcake, go upstairs and change your underwear and put on new shorts". "Mommy! I am so frustrated with you, I am going to tell Daddy that you are naughty."

How could two little humans have the power to make me go through the full range of emotions every single day? Nobody has ever had this much power over me and to be honest, I wouldn't change any of it!