Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

Brett playing Xbox with the girls and rocking out to Welcome To The Jungle on Guitar Hero!

Nobody could have prepared me for how ABSOLUTELY exhausted I am. Before the girls came, I would drink coffee here and there but now I drink it throughout the entire day! Seriously, Brett and I go to Starbucks so much, they recognize us. On that topic, there is a barista (coffee maker for you coffee rookies) that has a serious crush on Brett. She doesn't even try to hide it when I am with him! He went there the other day and she declared that she had created flavored foam and was going to put it in his drink. Whatever!

Okay, so back to the sleep deprivation. Clearly it hasn't affected Brett at nearly the same level it has affected me. Why you ask? Because I just woke up on the couch drooling (I know, can it get more glamorous?) to find him playing Guitar Hero. Are you kidding me? I woke up the other night in bed with a dirty burp cloth and a bib stuck to my sleep pants and he finds time to play Sweet Child O' Mine at 11:00 at night.