Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dinner with the Twins

Prior to having the babies, if Brett and I were hungry and there was nothing in the house to eat (rarely was) we would just jump in the car and get something. Cut to A.T. (After Twins). Tonight, our delectable meal consisted of shredded cheddar cheese melted on Tostito chips dipped in salsa that could have very well been from before the twins arrival (we justified that it was still good because there were no meat products in it so it should take longer to expire). In addition to the delicious nachos we ate frozen chicken nuggets while standing at the kitchen counter. It took us a total of 10 minutes to cook and eat this gourmet meal.

Now the bad part, we were only able to eat this meal because we are horrible parents and put both babies in the bouncers in front of the TV (hey, give us a break, it was Baby Einstein on the TV). At this point, Brett and I are in survival mode. So if one more person comments that they hate me because I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I will be glad to invite them over for one day to change 20 diapers, prepare and serve 16 bottles, wash two loads of baby laundry, get two babies dressed only to have them explode all over their fresh clothes, and still find time to eat a decent meal. Cheers!


Unknown said...

Keep these coming I keep checking them every day. Hope all is going well and I look forward to eventually seeing these twins soon. Sorry I havent already.

Christopher James Quinn
(Never signed like that before today, it was kinda wierd)