Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

Brett playing Xbox with the girls and rocking out to Welcome To The Jungle on Guitar Hero!

Nobody could have prepared me for how ABSOLUTELY exhausted I am. Before the girls came, I would drink coffee here and there but now I drink it throughout the entire day! Seriously, Brett and I go to Starbucks so much, they recognize us. On that topic, there is a barista (coffee maker for you coffee rookies) that has a serious crush on Brett. She doesn't even try to hide it when I am with him! He went there the other day and she declared that she had created flavored foam and was going to put it in his drink. Whatever!

Okay, so back to the sleep deprivation. Clearly it hasn't affected Brett at nearly the same level it has affected me. Why you ask? Because I just woke up on the couch drooling (I know, can it get more glamorous?) to find him playing Guitar Hero. Are you kidding me? I woke up the other night in bed with a dirty burp cloth and a bib stuck to my sleep pants and he finds time to play Sweet Child O' Mine at 11:00 at night.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dinner with the Twins

Prior to having the babies, if Brett and I were hungry and there was nothing in the house to eat (rarely was) we would just jump in the car and get something. Cut to A.T. (After Twins). Tonight, our delectable meal consisted of shredded cheddar cheese melted on Tostito chips dipped in salsa that could have very well been from before the twins arrival (we justified that it was still good because there were no meat products in it so it should take longer to expire). In addition to the delicious nachos we ate frozen chicken nuggets while standing at the kitchen counter. It took us a total of 10 minutes to cook and eat this gourmet meal.

Now the bad part, we were only able to eat this meal because we are horrible parents and put both babies in the bouncers in front of the TV (hey, give us a break, it was Baby Einstein on the TV). At this point, Brett and I are in survival mode. So if one more person comments that they hate me because I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I will be glad to invite them over for one day to change 20 diapers, prepare and serve 16 bottles, wash two loads of baby laundry, get two babies dressed only to have them explode all over their fresh clothes, and still find time to eat a decent meal. Cheers!

Old People and Babies

Okay, I know I am behind on my blogs so I am going to add two tonight. Last weekend, Brett, my Mom, and I took the girls to West Lafayette to visit my grandfather at his nursing home. Before I go any further, let me say, I have heard about a thousand comments about the twins from strangers but until last weekend nobody has tried to touch the girls. I was previously warned that this could occur but had never prepared a suitable response in anticipation of it actually happening. Before I continue, here are the comments (in the exact order) we get from people when we bring the girls out:

1.) Are they twins? They are generally dressed exactly alike and in the same carriers but I still don't think this question is as stupid as they get!

2) Boys or Girls? Okay, getting stupider (is that a word?). Anybody who has seen my girls knows that it basically looks like I dipped them and all their belongings in Pepto Bismol. Who would do that do their sons?

3) Do twins run in your family? They do now!

4) Did you have them naturally or c-section? Seriously! Reminder, these are complete strangers asking me this question!

5) Do you breastfeed them both? I can't quite figure out if people ask this because they want to know if I breastfeed versus bottlefeed or if they want to know if I breastfeed them at the same time. I am sure it is the latter.

Comments provided not in the form of a question:
Uh-oh, Double Trouble (I like to think of them as Double Blessings)
Boy, do you have your hands full (Yes, mostly of poopie diapers and bottles of formula)
How do you do it? (Uh, do I have a choice?)

Anyways, back to my original subject. Old People and Babies. So we are at the nursing home and it would appear that senior citizens look at babies and see the Fountain of Youth because they make a bee line for them. Fine, I get it, babies are cute (especially my babies) but these people were like grease lightning. Before I could bat an eye, they grabbed Sweetie Pie's hand. Yes, the hand she has recently discovered and the hand that has taken up permanent residence in her mouth. Ugh, I have no idea where that man's hand has been. I am their Mom and I don't even put my hand in their mouth and I am an insane hand washing freak! Before I could say a word, Brett swooped Sweetie Pie away and immediately began wiping her down with baby wipes and then proceeded to quarantine her from all human contact for the remainder of the day. My hero!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Good Friends - The Sequel

On Friday I decided to go out to Indiana with Brett and while he worked hard to make the money, I worked equally as hard to spend it. :) Lindsay and I had lunch at Houlihan's (their Chicken Tortilla soup rocks) and then did some shopping. I know what you are thinking, how could she possibly shop so much? While at Target, Lindsay told me about a dream she had about Laffy Taffy (She's pregnant). She decided to buy some and so I ended up buying some Dove bars. After we left Target, I needed my Starbucks fix. While waiting for my grande non-fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte with whip, Lindsay decided to tear into her Laffy Taffy which of course meant that I needed to tear into my Dove bars. Cut to Lindsay and I at Chase Bank. I get up to sign some paperwork and all I hear is Lindsay laughing so hard I thought she was going to put herself into labor.

So back to my original question...What makes a good friend? A good friend (or cousin) is willing to clean the Dove bar off your butt (that you shouldn't have eaten in the first place) with a Shout Stick. Thanks Linz!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Good Friends

Question: What makes a good friend?

Answer: Today was a great day. I met my friends Tanja and Carrie (and Abby too) for lunch. I had the pleasure of introducing all of them including my girls to PF Chang's. I believe it was a hit...thank you Chang's Lettuce Wraps! After lunch, Carrie and I went shopping. During a quick break (I am soooo sure) to feed and change three babies, I was lucky enough to stick my hand in Sweetie Pie's VERY GREEN poop! So back to my original question...What makes a good friend? A good friend wipes poop off your hand while you are changing your daughter. (Thank you, Kramer!!!) It wasn't the first time I got baby poop on my hands since the girls arrived and I am sure it won't be the last. I can only hope that I will always have a friend there with a diaper wipe locked and loaded!