Friday, October 29, 2010

Cupcake's Quotes

We were eating lunch today and Cupcake said, "Mommy, I want to go to Halloween". Brett told her, "Cupcake, Halloween isn't a place because if that was the case, I want to go to Thanksgiving". Used it as my Facebook post and my friend M said she wished it was Pulaski Day. She is weird. Love our meal conversations these days. Tonight, we went to Trick or Treating at the mall by our house. It was such a mad house, by the time we got half way through, most of the stores had run out of candy. We took the ladies to the food court so they could sit and eat a sucker (according to Brett they are called Lollipops - I thought Lollipops were in the Wizard of Oz but I guess that is how they roll on the East Coast). Cupcake tells me, "Mommy, pink suckers are my favorite". Good to know! :) We leave the mall and are driving my newly repaired van home and Cupcake says, "I am so happy Mommy's car is fixed, Mommy's car is my favorite". Guessing the constant stream of Go Diego Go versus Brett's constant stream of sports radio is the reason behind that comment. The picture I included was a prime example of what a great Dad my love is. He is holding a naked baby and her clothes and a bucket of candy. Love him and love my life!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Miss Suzi Crackers

Little Sweetie Pie was such a cutie pie today. She is just the sweetest little thing, I can hardly stand it. When Brett came home from work today, she was so excited to see him! She ran to the back door and gave him a big "squeezie" hug and said, "Daddy, you are so happy to see me!". How stinking cute is that? Later that night, she picked Miss Suzi Crackers for her dessert. Miss Suzi Crackers are Vanilla Wafers, they call them that because every time they go to our neighbor's house, Miss Suzi gives them two Vanilla Wafers and a cup of water. I gave her six wafers (found out later) and walked away. When I walked by a few minutes later, she was watching the TV so I swiped one of her wafers. (Yes, I am THAT mom) A few minutes later, Sweetie Pie runs into the room and tells me, "Mommy, come here and help me, please". I go in the kitchen and she tells me she "needs help because one of her Miss Suzi crackers blew away, oh no, one of my Miss Suzi crackers blew away, Mommy". Doh! I failed to notice that she had counted and arranged her wafers and had no intention of eating them but rather had more fun playing with them. So sweet!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Just Thankful

So the potty training went much better today. Both girls have been telling us BEFORE they go potty and have made it to the potty. We only had one accident today and that was after we had already put diapers on for bedtime. Little Miss Cupcake filled up her chart today and Sweetie Pie only has two spots left.

On another note, I had such a scary experience today. Brett and I were eating lunch while the girls were on the potty. I was eating a salad with chopped up apple and got a piece of apple caught in my throat. It was completely stuck and I immediately freaked. Brett saw right away and asked if I was okay? I shook my head no and really freaked. All I kept thinking was, not in front of my kids, please not in front of my kids. I was choking and trying to cough it up with no success. I finally dropped to the floor and was seriously freaked. Brett tried the heimlich but was way off on his technique so I kept moving his hands to the correct spot but it wasn't working. I was finally able to loosen it up and drink some water to get it down. I have to say that was SOOOO scary. Even scarier was our reaction to the situation. We agreed that we need to take a First Aid/CPR class. Then later, I am talking to my Mom and she tells me about a very close call her and my father had in their car today while coming home from the Covered Bridge festival. She was very freaked out and feeling very thankful that everything turned out okay. I am so thankful that we are all snug in our homes, safe and sound. What a whirlwind of a day. I love my life and the people in it. Mom, I love you from the sky to the ground and around and around.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Potty Power Struggle

Really looking for some moral support here! Let me start by saying that up until now, I have had pretty easy going, healthy kids. They have always been great sleepers and great eaters. But......yesterday I wiped up countless puddles of pee off the floor, I washed 6 pairs of underwear twice and cleaned poo poo out of one pair and threw one pair out. (In about 4 hours) I DON'T GET IT! They wake up dry but then refuse to sit on the potty. Then they say they want to sit on the potty during the day but don't pee but as soon as I put their panties back on, they PEE! RAAAAAH! They definitely do not like how the pee feels in their panties. Cupcake told me she had to pee, actually went pee on the potty and then put her pants on and pooped! She got to pick out of a grab bag for going pee pee but then Sweetie Pie was hysterical because she wanted a toy. It seriously broke my heart, she was so darn sad. I honestly can't tell if they are ready or if I am rushing it. People have started making "little" comments and I feel like an even bigger loser because their cousin that is 3 months younger than them is fully potty trained. Am I crazy? Should I just focus on one girl at a time so I am not completely overwhelmed? They will be three on December 14th. Today, both girls went poo poo in the potty (Sweetie Pie finally got the piggy she has been longing for) but then Cupcake peed her pants 15 minutes later. Since this morning, Sweetie Pie has refused to sit on the potty. Why would she want to? She got the pig and basically said, "See you, Sucka".