Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st Day of "School"

I finally have my computer back! My sweet but clumsy husband spilled a cup of coffee on mine so I have been without for some time now! My sweet girls started a PDO (Parents Day Out) program last month. I can't believe how big they have gotten! We talked about it for days leading up to it and they were so excited! They marched right in on the first day and didn't look back. Miss Marlene and Miss Carol said they cried a bit after we left but felt better when they knew I would be back after lunch to pick them up. As for me, I ran a zillion errands in record time and it was so nice. I was even able to pick up lunch for Brett and sit in his office and eat with him. When I picked the girls up, I asked them what they did at school. Sweetie Pie: I played with fire truck, Cupcake: I pooped. Seriously? The even funnier part is that the teacher told me she didn't! They did both eat all their lunch and made a beautiful circle collage.