Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thank you, Mommy

It is very important to me that I have courteous and polite children, as is probably the hope of most parents. In our house, we are always saying please, thank you, excuse me, etc. The girls have gotten pretty good at remembering. Of course, the other side of the coin is teaching them that just because they say please doesn't necessarily mean they are going to get everything they ask for. So last night, like every night, I went into the girls' room to check on them before I went to bed. They had been sleeping for a good four hours. I covered Sweetie Pie up with her blanket and she lifts her little head and looks me, smiles, and says, "Thank you, Mommy". She puts her head back down and goes to sleep. Insert burning nose and tear filled eyes. This is what being a Mom is all about. That sweet little voice and smile. What an amazing way to end my evening.