Thursday, September 23, 2010

I did it, Mommy, I did it!

I have been keeping myself very busy planning our family vacation to Disney World. When it gets overwhelming, I have to remind myself that this going to be FUN and the girls will not know if I forgot the stroller hooks! They are just so excited to go to "Mickey's house". In fact, everytime I tell them to put their shoes on, they think we are leaving for Disney! Today at dinner I asked Sweetie Pie what she thought Mickey was eating for dinner and she told me in her very matter of fact voice, "Bread". I asked Cupcake the same question and her response was, "Pink". Huh? So while I was on the computer, looking at Disney stuff, Cupcake asked if she could push the button on the computer. It made me wonder, maybe she is ready to use the mouse. So I pulled up some free games on Fisher Price's website. It took her maybe 5 minutes and she had it. She was picking out opposites, picking animal sounds, and painting pictures! Sweetie Pie struggled a bit with watching the screen while moving the mouse but she caught on quickly. Every time she got a match, she would yell, "I did it, I did it, Mommy". They are such little sponges right now, they ask about everything and actually listen to our answers! It just amazes me watching them problem solve and makes me dread the day that they don't run up to me to share their victory. Maybe that won't happen because I know to this day, I immediately call my Mom with not just my victories but the victories of my children.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quality Time

Last night I went to check on the girls before I went to bed and when I walked in the room, Sweetie Pie popped up and said Hi Mommy in her sweet little voice. She reached for me and said, "huggie". She just melted my heart! I picked her up and we snuggled and then she asked for some water. I brought her in my room and gave her a cup of water. They amaze me everyday. They are getting so big and I know these moments are going to pass so quickly. Something I have always struggled with is finding a way to spend individual time with each of my girls. I really believe that these moments sneak in now and again as a way to ease my concern.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st Day of "School"

I finally have my computer back! My sweet but clumsy husband spilled a cup of coffee on mine so I have been without for some time now! My sweet girls started a PDO (Parents Day Out) program last month. I can't believe how big they have gotten! We talked about it for days leading up to it and they were so excited! They marched right in on the first day and didn't look back. Miss Marlene and Miss Carol said they cried a bit after we left but felt better when they knew I would be back after lunch to pick them up. As for me, I ran a zillion errands in record time and it was so nice. I was even able to pick up lunch for Brett and sit in his office and eat with him. When I picked the girls up, I asked them what they did at school. Sweetie Pie: I played with fire truck, Cupcake: I pooped. Seriously? The even funnier part is that the teacher told me she didn't! They did both eat all their lunch and made a beautiful circle collage.