Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little Ladies

So my little cutie pies have turned into little ladies without me looking! We are in the process of finishing our basement so we had to make a "quick" run to Home Depot. I told the girls to go wait by the door and put their shoes on. Cupcake tells me, "No, Mommy, pursh". (Translation: No, Mommy, purse). Monkey See, Monkey Do in our house so then Sweetie Pie needed to grab her purse. We go to Home Depot and, tonight, I sit down and spot their purses laying on the floor. It cracks me up to see what they just had to have in their purse for a trip to Home Depot. Sweetie Pie: One plastic cow, five plastic lizards, one cookie monster, Thomas the Train, and the best, a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Sandwich. Cupcake: Cell phone, lipstick, brush, My Little Pony, a blue garbage truck, her Nomee Cheese (Nemo Camera), a Candy Land piece and a plastic strawberry. Both girls came home with a Mickey Mouse paint swatch. How cute is this? These are the things that are important to them today. I love these girls!