Sunday, October 26, 2008

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby

I know it has been forever and I promise I will get better but here's a good one...Every night before Brett and I go to bed, we go into the girls' room and check them. We fix their blanket and feel their backs (you know you do it). Tonight, Brett goes in and Sweetie Pie's blanket was under her. He attempts the "old tablecloth trick" and tries to slide it out from under her without disturbing her. He gets the blanket and as he lays it on her, her eyes spring open! What does Brett do, you ask? Instead of hitting the deck and army crawling out of the room like I would have done, he covers his face! Yes, he covers his face! Now I haven't been doing this parenting thing for very long but I do know that when you cover your face in front of a baby, they think you are playing Peek A Boo! I am so relieved to know that my husband, my rock, can handle high pressure situations! Love you, Babe!


Tara said...

I Love this story! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!