Monday, September 1, 2008

Grandma strikes again!

Well, she struck again! While at my mom's annual Labor Day party at the beach this time! Each family that attended got to decorate their own picnic table. I chose Da' Cubs! I bought Cubs plates that were pretty small for food but they were just too cute to pass up! Anyways, I was only able to fit my turkey burger and a couple salads on it. I ate and then went back up to try another couple salads and I hear from behind me,"Are you eating again?". Guess who! My lovely Grandmother! Again, who says that? I can usually take pretty much anything she says with a grain of salt but this is getting ridiculous! I asked her why she says such nasty things and she told me that she is a pisces, dahling, so she is allowed to say those things. Are you kidding me? Because you were born in March, it's okay to hurt people's feelings! News flash, I was born in March and I have never and will never say something like to someone! She proceeded to tell Brett about it expecting a laugh for him. Instead, my dear husband just gave her the eye blink and walked away. What is her issue?