Monday, July 28, 2008

Are you pregnant?

Everybody has embarrassing moments and if you haven't then I have had plenty for both of us. My most recent moment came courtesy of my grandmother. If you know my grandmother, this story won't completely surprise you but it should make you go, "Oh no she did not just say that!". So recently my Uncle's father, JaJa, passed away. It was very unexpected and he will be greatly missed. Brett and I went to the wake on Sunday. We were in the lobby talking to some family friends and my grandmother came up. Instead of saying,"Hello, my darling granddaughter, how are you and your lovely family doing?", she says,"Are you pregnant?". My jaw dropped as did everyone around us. Are you kidding me? I have never been an arrogant person, but I think I look pretty damn good for just having had twins 7 months ago and I certainly don't think I look pregnant. In fact, I weigh less now then I did before I had the girls. Who says that? And for that matter, who says that to their granddaughter in front of a group of strangers? I was horrified. I will never, I repeat, never wear that dress again. I am sure I don't have to tell any of you this but it is never appropriate to ask a lady if she is pregnant unless you know without a shadow of a doubt that she is in fact pregnant. It is also not appropriate to point out to someone you love (in front of others and sometimes in private) that they look like they have put on a few pounds. So I am off to do 30 minutes of cardio and 100 crunches.


Anonymous said...

You have got to be joking!! I would have had a melt down right there!
