Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cupcake's Trip to the Emergency Room

Everyone tells you it's going to happen at some point, but I was definitely not ready when it did. My little Cupcake fell on Friday the 13th, no less, and split her cute little forehead open. She was walking across our dining room and just wiped out and hit her head flat on the floor. Brett and I didn't see her fall but as soon as we heard the thump, we knew it was bad! I got to her first and there was so much blood coming from her head. It took my breath away seeing her in so much pain. We immediately applied a cold washcloth to her head but knew we were going to have to bring her to the Hospital. The blood slowed down enough that we were able to put a bandaid on for the ride to the hospital. Our awesome neighbors took care of Sweetie Pie for us so we could give Cupcake all our attention at the hospital. Cupcake was such a trooper and only cried when they had to clean the cut. Thankfully they didn't have to use stitches, they actually were able to glue it. The glue lasts about a week which should be long enough to close it up completely. It just broke my heart to see her have to go through that and I would have traded places with her in a heartbeat if I could. Although, I will say I think she handled it much better than I would! I am amazed by my girls everyday and am madly in love with them! I am so blessed to have such a loving, supportive husband and two healthy, beautiful daughters.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What would you do?

Recently, an acquaintance of ours told us he found $1000 cash in an envelope in the parking lot of the grocery store where he works. Here's how the conversation went:

Brett: You're going to turn it in, aren't you?
Money Finder: No, why would I?
Brett: Because somebody lost that money and they are probably freaking out. They will probably give you a reward.
Money Finder: Why would I need a reward, I have all the money now.
Brett: Whatever, Dude, just do the right thing

So Brett got home and told me about the conversation. I sent a text to the money finder telling him that the right thing to do is turn in the money and how would he feel if his mom lost that money and nobody turned it in. He said that I would do the same thing if I was young like him. WRONG! It would never even occur to me to keep the money. I know how I would feel if I lost that kind of money, I would be sick to stomach and beside myself and I wouldn't want anyone to feel that way. I keep picturing a little old lady getting to the register to pay for her groceries and discovering she had lost her money. How sad! So my question to those that are seeing this, what would you do?