Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Savings Time...Whatever!!!

How is it possible that such a simple act as setting the clock ahead by one teeny, tiny hour can have such a monumental impact on a bedtime routine for two 12-week-old babies! We had finally got the girls into a consistent bedtime routine and bedtime. They would go right to sleep at 7:30pm and not wake up for six hours! Tonight, when I tried to read their bedtime book (Night, Night, Baby) Cupcake screamed the entire time. I probably looked insane trying to read a book to a screaming baby. And you could just forget about the bedtime song. Who could hear me over the blood curdling screams? It really helped when Brett reminded me that I had a pharmacy in my hands and that the babies could pick up on my frustration. Thank you, Honey! Wherever would I be without your highly intelligent and appropriate advice?!?!? My head is throbbing and I think the only thing that could possibly help is a nice hot jacuzzi bath and a large glass of Pinot Noir! See ya!


Anonymous said...

I must be on the same schedule I have been crying every morning since the switch. Bastard farmers. That might be inappropriate for the kids so dont let them read this.