Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Savings Time...Whatever!!!

How is it possible that such a simple act as setting the clock ahead by one teeny, tiny hour can have such a monumental impact on a bedtime routine for two 12-week-old babies! We had finally got the girls into a consistent bedtime routine and bedtime. They would go right to sleep at 7:30pm and not wake up for six hours! Tonight, when I tried to read their bedtime book (Night, Night, Baby) Cupcake screamed the entire time. I probably looked insane trying to read a book to a screaming baby. And you could just forget about the bedtime song. Who could hear me over the blood curdling screams? It really helped when Brett reminded me that I had a pharmacy in my hands and that the babies could pick up on my frustration. Thank you, Honey! Wherever would I be without your highly intelligent and appropriate advice?!?!? My head is throbbing and I think the only thing that could possibly help is a nice hot jacuzzi bath and a large glass of Pinot Noir! See ya!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Cubs v. Yankees

There has been some controversy as to whether I am a Cubs or Yankees fan. Let me be perfectly clear. I bleed Cubbie Blue and that is all I have to say about that! Brett is a huge Yankees fan and I fully support that. However, they have been to the "promised land" more than enough times and I believe it is our turn. In case you are wondering, our girls are already Cubs fans. Example) Cubs tickets went on sale at 10:00am on February 22nd. They slept like little angels throughout the whole sorted affair. I was only able to get two sets of tickets! Thankfully some of my dear friends are season ticket holders and I know they love me and recognize I need to get to more than just two games this season! Now, Yankees tickets went on sale February 29th and the girls refused to sleep and screamed the entire time. We only ended up with one set of tickets! I believe they are telling me without a shadow of a doubt that they are Cubs fans! That's all!