Thursday, October 14, 2010

Potty Power Struggle

Really looking for some moral support here! Let me start by saying that up until now, I have had pretty easy going, healthy kids. They have always been great sleepers and great eaters. But......yesterday I wiped up countless puddles of pee off the floor, I washed 6 pairs of underwear twice and cleaned poo poo out of one pair and threw one pair out. (In about 4 hours) I DON'T GET IT! They wake up dry but then refuse to sit on the potty. Then they say they want to sit on the potty during the day but don't pee but as soon as I put their panties back on, they PEE! RAAAAAH! They definitely do not like how the pee feels in their panties. Cupcake told me she had to pee, actually went pee on the potty and then put her pants on and pooped! She got to pick out of a grab bag for going pee pee but then Sweetie Pie was hysterical because she wanted a toy. It seriously broke my heart, she was so darn sad. I honestly can't tell if they are ready or if I am rushing it. People have started making "little" comments and I feel like an even bigger loser because their cousin that is 3 months younger than them is fully potty trained. Am I crazy? Should I just focus on one girl at a time so I am not completely overwhelmed? They will be three on December 14th. Today, both girls went poo poo in the potty (Sweetie Pie finally got the piggy she has been longing for) but then Cupcake peed her pants 15 minutes later. Since this morning, Sweetie Pie has refused to sit on the potty. Why would she want to? She got the pig and basically said, "See you, Sucka".