Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sneaky Sissy

So Sweetie Pie was playing with a singing turtle toy we had from when they were infants and Cupcake decided she wanted it. So Cupcake grabs their Mickey Mouse cell phone and starts having a conversation. She then brings the phone over to Sweetie Pie and says,"Here, Sissy, it's Grammy". Of course, Sweetie Pie upon hearing it's Grammy gets so excited, she grabs the phone, thus releasing her death grip on the turtle leaving it available for Cupcake. She grabs it and runs! How brilliant, yet disturbingly sneaky.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sprinkled with Great Friends

I hosted a Sprinkle/Playdate today for another Mommy Friend. Just uploaded the pictures and was thinking how fortunate I am to have met such a fabulous group of mommies. The Moms that I surround myself with are such a supportive, fun, and caring group of ladies. We are always doing such fun things with our kids and it is so nice to have friends that know exactly what I go through daily. Note: The little man is crying because he REALLY wants some cake! :) The second photo is of the kids painting onesies for the new baby girl.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Crabby Pants Takes a Nap

On this particular day, my Sweetie Pie was just not a happy camper. Everything was setting her off. She didn't want to get dressed so she was in her jammies most of the day and she was fighting with her sister about everything. I was in the process of fixing lunch and she was pulling on my pants and screaming. I told her to go sit in timeout and calm herself down and I would come get her when it was time for lunch. Cut to two minutes later, I am calling her to the table with no response. I found her fast asleep in her timeout spot. My little crab apple was passed out cold. Too sweet!