Monday, April 7, 2008

Ignorant Drivers

For those of you that have never noticed, certain stores have parking spots reserved for expectant mothers. If you never noticed, no worries, I didn't notice until I was actually pregnant. In fact, I never parked in the spots until I was visibly pregnant because I didn't want people to think I was an ignorant driver. The Westfield Mall near my house has several of these parking spots. I think this is a really nice idea. Anyone who has been in their third trimester of pregnancy knows how difficult it is to move around at that time. You are exhausted and in most cases, you are so swelled up so much you look like the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters. These parking spots were incredibly helpful to me, as it was freezing cold during my third trimester and it would not have been a good idea for me to try to cross an icy parking lot when I was carrying around an extra 50 pounds. So, THANK YOU, Westfield Shopping Centers, Babies R Us, and any other establishments that thought of doing this.

So now my reason for this blog. Brett and I went to the mall on Sunday for a quick lunch. We had the girls with us and it was absolutely beautiful out. Sunny and High 60s! As we circled the parking lot looking for a spot, I noticed the Expectant Mothers spot was open. We found a parking spot and while we were getting the girls out of the car, I noticed someone pulling into the Expectant Mother's spot. But it wasn't an expectant mother getting out of the giant SUV. It was a man and his daughter (maybe 10-12 years old). How IGNORANT! Is that what you are teaching your daughter? I realize there are no laws against parking in that spot as it's not a handicap spot but come one. I am assuming it was his daughter and if she was in fact his daughter then at some point, his significant other was pregnant with this child and endured that horribly uncomfortable third trimester. How would he feel if his wife or girlfriend had to trek across the giant parking lot because some other schmuck took the parking spot dedicated solely to expectant mothers? Pathetic! Is there any common courtesy left in this world? This guy falls in the same category as the ignorant buttheads that rush ahead to the elevator when they see me approaching with my double stroller so they can get in before me, not to hold the door for me, but to hurry up and press the door close button so they don't have to share an elevator with me and the girls. Or the people that immediately asked to be moved at the restaurant when they see Brett and I and the girls get seated anywhere in the vicinity of their table. Seriously, what kind of world do we live in?